Seeing The Things You Miss
Many of my images are of ordinary views – the buildings and back alleys you walk by every day but rarely have time to really see. I like to stand still in these spaces, photograph them, and slowly, carefully, apply photographic techniques that elevate their artistic nature.
Most of my work is representational. The prints begin as original photographs taken where mixed features of the land, water, and sky meet and present visually striking views. They contain a variety of textures, colors, forms, gradients, and interesting juxtapositions of foregrounds and backgrounds.
Then, Photoshop becomes my darkroom. I have developed a number of digital techniques I use to reimagine each photo into a style that appears both drawn and painted. As with traditional painting, colors and textures are created with the desire to develop visually interesting images that have emotional impact and encourage the viewer to imagine an internal narrative.
No two images are treated the same. Each completed image is evolutionary; requiring many hours and transformations to achieve the desired effect.
I reserve all rights to reproduction of my images. No images, even those purchased, may be reproduced or altered by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written approval from me or my authorized agents.